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THE VERDICT:                                                                         8.0

STORYTELLING:            5.0

GAMEPLAY:                     10

VISUALS:                         5.0

AUDIO:                              10

COMMUNITY:                  10

REPLAY VALUE:             10


The game plays on the classic fears of the dark and unknown

as well as taking stabs at your sanity when you're not sure if you saw Slender Man or not. Combined with the eerie audio elements and massive community mythos as the backdrop for this title, Slender is worth the free download. Don't, however, expect a deeply engaging story or mesmerizing visuals. 

What Chills Us to the Bone...

Reviewed by  The Passive Lion

I'm going to conduct this review a little differently as there is less to elaborate on. Most of the ratings are fairly straight forward and a game like this can't really be judged based on the other horror titles that have come before it. 

The premise for Slender: The Eight Pages surrounds you, the curious and ridiculously naive player (I infer this because its the only way anything bad ever happens in something horror related) who is attempting to find eight pages related to Slender sightings. That is about as far as the story goes. The reason for the rating is that Parsec Productions built a solid and safe base (which some games don't do right) and the focus of this title isn't its story anyways but rather the mythos of Slender Man and the gameplay itself.   

Now on that note, the game is very surprising in the way that it handles suspense and scare tactics. While most horror titles use sudden enemy appearances, creepy whispers, or the dreaded screamers, Slender does the exact opposite. This genre bender equips you with a flashlight (you can tell I'm American now can't you?) and plops you in the middle of a forest which contains a conglomerate of mysterious (albeit oddly placed) landmarks. 

The flashlight grants you just enough visual space to see in a few steps in front of you while much of the distance is indiscernible. You quickly forget how unpolished the game looks as soon as you realize something is hunting you. Upon collecting the first page, a deadening drum hit signals your imminent doom. Your hearing now becomes much more acute and you anticipate your first sighting of the faceless figure. A cricket chirps, your footsteps crunch against the dew laden ground, another drum hit, you sneak a look behind you. Static. Ear splitting whines gradually build to a crescendo, or at least they would if you let them. Instead, you look away and dash in the other direction unsure of what you just witnessed. 

But those first few minutes weren't the worst for me. In fact, I soon welcomed sightings of Slender as I began to collect more pages. If I could see him out of the corner of my eye, it would be enough to reassure me that I knew where he was. But all is not that simple. Rounding corners inside buildings or shifting between trees became a dangerous feet in the last few moments. The drums beat louder and closer and matched the rhythm of my heart, gaining speed with each step. My battery power drained low and my flashlight dimmed to near nothingness. Could this be it? Would I die here along in the dark just a page away from victory? No! There it is! The last page. I longed for its rugged surface, to gaze upon its scrawled message and to complete the only objective I possessed.
And within mere feet of my destination, a sudden rip in time sent me leaping out of my rolling office chair (no joke) until the echoing buzz of my failure blast through my speakers. Slender Man had, in a mere frame, appeared directly in front of me claiming my already fear laden mind for his own. Leaping back in a burst of adrenaline as I did cause my reaction time to falter. I didn't stand a chance.

While I may have embellished upon my first experience with the game, the emotion in it is all true. This game is quite masterful at generating a response out of even the most stoic gamer. It is a beautiful addition to the horror genre and with its rich community of mythos generating fans like MarbleHornets, who could resist diving into the world of Slender: The Eight Pages? Not to mention, it is such a great "scare your best friend" tactic and is sure to generate a few good reaction videos.   There is even a sequel in the works!


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